
Graduation will be in October
Exact date TBD

Graduation requirements

  • Attend all 10 classes
  • Attend all 4 class outings
  • Complete two experience trips (overnight involving significant cross country navigation and at least one involving a peak).
If you are unable to complete all the requirements the year you took the course you have an additional year to make up anything you missed.  Contact your group leader to make arrangements but please be aware especially when it comes to snow camp there are permit limitations.

Getting Credit

Email the Orange County registrar at with a picture of your student card.

If your trips were private then you'll need to fill out an additional form.  Print out a copy of the Non-Scheduled Experience Trip Form, fill out the information, and include a picture of that along with your student card.

The Party

Now that you're graduating it's time to celebrate!  Or alternately if you aren't going to graduate this year now is the time to head out and celebrate all your new friends completing the course!

More details to come!


Q:  I went on a trip but forgot to get my card signed.
A:  Don't worry!  Just CC the trip leader when you email the card to the registrat and they can vouch for the fact you attended.